How do you create a website in 2021?

 The web is overloaded with a huge amount of websites on every possible and imaginable subject. This mine of information, totally unavoidable in this day and age, is the primary way to learn, buy, have fun and work in today's world. Whatever your activity, it is impossible for you not to be on the internet, let alone have your own website.

Yet the road that separates you from the creation of your site is full of pitfalls. Which tools should you use? Do you need programming knowledge? How much does it cost to put a site online? How do I start making my site successful? All these questions are legit and this article will help you find the answers you are looking for.

What is a website?

User's point of view

For users, a website is a series of web pages that can be accessed via a URL ( for example). All sites have a home page and allow you to do a wide variety of things. Some are mainly used to promote products, others allow users to watch videos, others are social networks or work tools. They are all accessible via a web browser on a computer, tablet or mobile phone.

Finally, when a user wants to find a site that can provide the information they need, they almost inevitably go through a search engine like Google or Bing. Each of them proposes to provide, based on a short search, a list of the most relevant pages on a particular topic. Therefore, it is essential for the user to get the best information at the best time by visiting one website design in India instead of another.

Position of the owner of the site

When you own a website, things are a little different. You know that your site is a collection of linked pages that contain information. This is not enough, because your site also needs to be stored somewhere, with a hosting provider, that makes it accessible online. Your site URL can also be personalized with a domain name that you will need to rent.

Depending on the nature of your site, you may need a database (if it's a showcase site for example). Finally, your site must be kept up-to-date to prevent it from falling victim to malicious attacks and to protect your users' data.

How do you make a website?

Do it yourself with a CMS

By Content Management System or CMS is meant an instrument with which information can be brought together and retrieved online without the need for specific programming knowledge. Among the most popular CMS, here's our pick of some of the names that pop up regularly:

  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Drupal
  • Wix
  • Prestashop
They all work on the same model. You start by entering basic information about your site, such as its name and description. Next, you need to choose a graphic theme that will determine the appearance of your pages, the colors and the overall look of your site.

Finally, when you're done, you'll need to include all the content you need to create your website. This can be visual elements such as your logo, promotional photos for example. Your final task will be to integrate this content by adding information about yourself. Your activity, the products and services offered, possibly an online shop if you want customers to be able to order directly from you.

Advantages of CMS like Wix or WordPress

  • Facilitated Content Creation
  • Realization accessible to everyone
  • Simplified Support

Cons of CMS

  • Often technically expensive
  • The possibilities are limited from a functional and graphical point of view.
  • You are left to your own devices in case of a problem

Do it yourself without CMS

Are you qualified enough to code your website yourself? In that case, take charge of developing your portal from start to finish to cut costs and get exactly the result you want.

You will first have to choose a web technology that will serve as the basis for the development. At the moment React seems to be the best choice to offer lightweight and highly compatible websites. You can then choose a CSS framework to complete this foundation such as or Bootstrap for React.

Finally, add a MySQL or MongoDB database to store the information you need. All you have to do is develop your pages and push it to a hosting provider like Gandi or OVH.

  • Extremely low cost
  • More customization
  • You have a hand in every step of the project
  • A monumental amount of work
  • A wide variety of specialized skills is required
  • In the event of a breakdown, you can only rely on yourself.
  • Using an agency
  • The specialized agencies are there to help you create your website. They put their expertise and experience at your service to guide you through the creation process and make the right decisions to better showcase your business.

Some agencies specialize in certain areas of activity and will be more able to showcase your work than others. Choose the agency that listens best to you over the agency that offers you the cheapest quote. Your web service provider will also guide you after the delivery of the site to keep it up-to-date and to ensure that all necessary security measures are in place.

This long-term cooperation means that there is an excellent relationship with this supplier. In the event of a problem, you must be able to rely on them quickly.


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